With a new baby on the way, there’s plans to make, appointments to remember, vitamins and supplements to take, and the list goes on and on and on…

The 9 months of pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life. However, it can also be stressful- and at times- painful.

By adding a birthing ball into your routine, you can help mitigate pain, and carve out some “me” time while you’re at it!

Before we get into the nitty gritty of your birthing ball, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Make sure to get the right size for your height. Having the right size birthing ball is very important, one size does not fit all. If you are 5’8” or under, choose a 65cm ball. If you’re 5’9” or taller, choose the 75cm option.

2. Make sure that your birthing ball is thicker than an average exercise ball. Our products are top-of-the-line, and are much thicker than the leading competitor.

3. Before sitting down on the ball, hold it with both of your hands to keep it steady.

4. Remain in non slip socks as much as possible. This will keep you from sliding around while seated, and allow you to have more control.

5. In the beginning, have your partner or a friend be present to help you.

6. Use your birthing ball on the carpet instead of a hard floor.

7. Check your ball regularly for leaks, to make sure it’s not in danger of collapsing or loosing too much air. A pump is included in your kit, so make sure to keep an eye out for the amount of air in your ball.

8. Don’t inflate your ball too much- you want it to have a little give. This makes it much more

comfortable to sit on.